Aug 28, 2024

Beyond the Boardroom: Leadership That Matters

Beyond the Boardroom: Leadership That Matters

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, characterised by globalisation and increasingly diverse workforces, having an inclusive leadership team is no longer just a nice-to-have—it's a necessity. Inclusive leadership fosters alignment, drives focused work, and leads to stronger outcomes. Research supports this: The Harvard Business Review found that employees in inclusive teams are 3.5 times more likely to reach their fullest potential. Similarly, McKinsey’s research suggests that organisations with inclusive leadership are 25% more likely to achieve above-average profitability.

The benefits extend beyond profitability. Inclusive leadership also leads to higher employee engagement, lower turnover, and improved customer satisfaction. But what exactly is inclusive leadership, and how can organisations develop it within their teams?


The Three Pillars of Inclusive Leadership

The most effective organisations understand that inclusive leadership is multi-faceted, requiring a commitment to individual, team, and organisational inclusion. These three pillars are interdependent—strong inclusion at one level reinforces and amplifies inclusion at the others.


1. Inclusion of the Individual

At the individual level, inclusive leadership means recognising and supporting each person’s natural strengths, preferences, and development needs. This could involve personalized development plans, regular one-on-one check-ins to understand employees' evolving needs, or offering flexible work arrangements that cater to individual circumstances. It involves tailoring coaching and development approaches to empower individuals to grow and contribute meaningfully.

2. Inclusion in the Team (Executive team or Board)

On the team level, inclusivity is about ensuring equity—everyone should have equal opportunities for rewards and recognition. Building trust and relationships within the team is crucial, as is fostering shared decision-making processes so that every member feels their contributions are valued.

A powerful example comes from the Māori spiritual concept of whakapapa, or the "rope of mankind." The idea of whakapapa represents the interconnectedness of individuals, illustrating how each person’s unique history and identity contribute to a stronger, unified whole. This concept, embraced by the New Zealand All Blacks rugby team, shows how a team is fortified by the diverse backgrounds and perspectives of its members, just as a rope is made stronger by the combination of its strands.

3. Inclusion in the Organisation

An inclusive leader’s role extends beyond the individual and team to champion inclusivity across the entire organisation. This involves recognising and celebrating efforts, setting clear expectations, and embedding inclusivity into the organisation's DNA. When inclusivity is part of the culture, it drives empowerment and alignment, enabling the organisation to make a meaningful, positive impact.


The Power of Recognition

One of the most important practices of an inclusive leader is showing appreciation and recognition. This simple yet powerful act is often the key reason people stay with or leave an organisation. By recognising contributions, leaders not only validate the individual but also reinforce the importance of inclusivity within the team and the broader organisation.



Inclusive leadership is more than a trend—it’s a strategic advantage. By focusing on inclusion at the individual, team, and organisational levels, leaders can create environments where everyone feels valued, empowered, and motivated to contribute their best. This, in turn, drives alignment and focus, leading to stronger outcomes that resonate far beyond the boardroom.

As organisations continue to navigate complex challenges, those that embrace and champion inclusivity will be the ones that thrive. How will you integrate inclusive practices into your leadership approach to make a lasting impact on your team and beyond?


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