Board governance software for charitable trusts

Software to evaluate, benchmark and improve the governance of charitable trusts

Govn365 is a governance playbook for chairs, directors, chief executives and senior executives of small to medium sized charities and not for profit organisations

Governance evaluations for Charitable Trusts and Not-For-Profits

The Govn365 governance evaluation not only assesses your board, but the entire organisation too. It separates business operations into ten critical areas and evaluates how well your board and charity are performing within each one through a series of multi-choice questions. A Govn365 consultant will support your team through this process ensuring everyone is heard, group think is avoided and answers are unbiased. The governance evaluation process in itself has proven to align teams and improve communication leading to faster decision making and increased board efficiency.

Governance of Charitable Trusts

Develop the governance of your charitable trust with Govn365’s globally award winning technology. Understand your strengths and weaknesses with a board evaluation and organisational assessment. Use these insights to guide and set strategic goals within the platform. Assign tasks to team members that move your charity toward achieving these goals and use Govn365’s suit of resources to develop capability.

The Govn365 process and platform is designed to increase transparency, accountability, integrity, ethical behvaiour, stakeholder engagement, and business performance. It was developed alongside the international standard for governance ISO 37000 and incorporates leading practices so charities understand where they rank against the best.

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Benchmarking for Charitable Trust Governance

Govn365 benchmarking gives charities an understanding of how they stack up against industry leading practices and international governance standards so they can move forward and adapt with confidence. The Govn365 governance evaluation, and benchmarking tool, provides a governance playbook that brings experience, knowledge and intuition to life.


Governance Benchmarking

Hear what our customers have to say

Strategic Prioritisation

The Govn365 platform has goal setting software that enables charities to set individual goals for each of the ten key areas of business outlined in Govn365. Use the board evaluation insights to drive your board’s strategic planning and create goals that are relevant to your organisation.

Board Development Resources

After completing a Govn365 board evaluation and organisational assessment you unlock over 300 educational resources designed to help boards and c-suite executives develop their knowledge, experience and identify as leaders. The educational resources are broken down into the ten critical areas of business and aid you in achieving your strategic goals. The resources range from educational reads, to team powerpoint presentations and even active documents you can download and use, e.g. director skills matrix spreadsheets, enterprise risk matrix and strategy training.

Board Actions

Govn365 board actions software gives boards and executives the ability to set and assign tasks. Complete an organisation governance evaluation, strategically plan your goals based on its insights and set tasks for individual team members that move your charity toward industry leading governance practices.

Unlock a free governance consultation

Chat with one of Govn365's governance specialists and start moving your organisaiton forward today.